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You're Cooler Than a Pigeon

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matthew 6:25-26

This summer I had the awesome privilege of having an internship in New York City. Much like every movie you’ve ever seen that was set in NYC, pigeons really are everywhere! Through all my encounters with pigeons (including one soiling the bagel I was eating) I learned one thing in particular:  pigeons are pretty worthless.

Now, I am sorry if you have some strange affinity towards these birds, but pigeons aren’t incredibly useful creatures. They lack intelligence, they lack beauty, and they barely serve a purpose for the city of New York. But despite their worthlessness, God cares for them. He provides for them. They don’t have reason to worry.

These verses in Matthew are truly beautiful verses. God cares so much for these birds that he provides them with all they could need in life. They don’t worry about storing up food, or if they will have clothing or protection. They don’t even think about those things because God provides.

And how much more does God care for us than a pigeon? How much more does He provide for us?  We’ve all seen the beautiful, amazing (and sometimes crazy) ways that God has provided in our lives. So why do we question and doubt Him? Why do we worry and act like God won’t show up?

I believe the most beautiful part of God’s provision is that He calls us His children. A title that we share with no other part of His creation! God may provide all the physical needs for the birds, animals, and plants, but He loved us with such an incredible and unconditional love that He chose to provide for our spiritual needs, too! Sending Jesus Christ as a sacrifice was the ultimate act of provision. Take comfort in knowing that God cares for you that much!

Now, I’m not going to tell you that you will not worry in college. College will come with some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced so far in your life. Don’t get me wrong, college has been the greatest experience in my life thus far, but even the greatest experiences come with challenges.

As a senior, I can look back and see the exams and projects, I can see the lost relationships that I poured myself into, I can see the times of uncertainty with money and scholarships. I spent countless hours worrying about all these things. So, I’m not going to tell you not to worry. But what I am going to tell you is that the same God who molded this universe, who breathed life into you and I, who hung each star perfectly in the sky, who conquered death and the grave, is the same God who wants you to bring Him the smallest of your fears and worries. How awesome is that?!

My biggest piece of advice in college is to find community! Solid, Christian community provides the encouragement, love, and sometimes the wake-up call we need in our times of worry and doubt. The BCM has become my family and we would love to invite you to be a part of that family!

Noah Ferguson, Senior

Instagram: @nferg01


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